Hangin' in there during COVID-19
Times are crazy now. The fear of the unknown is seeping into every pore of our beings. Every single person is affected in some way by this pandemic... this evil 'c' word known as the coronavirus. So many people are sick, so many are out of work, and so many are risking their lives to keep what little there is open... open. Big kudos and a hearty thanks to all of those brave souls who can't work from home... healthcare workers, police, firemen, grocery store workers, transit workers, truck drivers, employees in manufacturing plants, etc... etc... thank you for risking your lives to keep some semblance of everyday life intact, and to battle this unpredictable villain.
I'm thankful that my family is healthy and has enough food and toilet paper (won't this whole toilet paper debacle be funny once this is all over?!!) and didn't come out with any black eyes after visiting the grocery stores (it's the little things that mean the most now, lol).
With that being said, it's also frightening to know that my livelihood will be affected with events being cancelled, and not knowing if any of the scheduled shows in the summer will be held or not. This is truly crippling to those of us who run small businesses and rely on this foot traffic. It can get quite depressing and bleak... but I am choosing to remain positive and hope for the best. I'm going to continue to show up for you on social media, blogposts, and emails. Maybe I'll even gather up the nerve to do some FB or IG live sales (yes, that's terrifying for me!!!). I'm going to do my best to keep you smiling and create some new products that you'll hopefully love.
I thank you for all of your support in the past, and would be so grateful if you could take a peek at my shop and see if there's anything else you might like at this time. Every little bit helps right now. As always too... I'm open to creating any custom ideas that you might have, and will work with you every step of the way.
And you know what helps a ton too? Liking, commenting, and tagging friends on my Facebook and Instagram posts... that goes a long way too! Also, leaving Facebook reviews, word of mouth, posting pics of your Smashfire items, etc...etc... I would be forever grateful!
I know we'll all get through this pandemic... it will be a long, hard road, but we're in it together, and we will survive... and thrive! If there's anything I can do for YOU... I would love to know!
1 comment
Love your groovy style in design and writing!