Holiday House Boutique at The Lambert Castle

It’s the 30th Annual Holiday House Boutique at Lambert Castle in Paterson, NJ!! I will be returning again this year and will have an assortment of jewelry from my retired collections (which means great pricing!!!) displayed and for purchase there for the month of November. The Boutique opens on November 4th, and runs until November 26th. They are open Wednesday through Friday from 10 am to 8 pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 5 p. Admission is $7 for opening weekend, and $6 for the duration of the show. All admission fees include 2 return visits. Please see the website for additional details https://lambertcastleweb.wordpress.com/holiday-boutique/
I always look forward to going to this Castle… it really is beautiful! It was built in the likeness of an English castle in 1892-3 by Catholina Lambert, an English immigrant who built his fortune in the silk industry. It is now functioning as a Museum with mainly self-guided exhibits of the historical period rooms that interpret the Castle’s past as the home of Catholina Lambert. (these exhibits are closed during November and December for the Boutique).
I highly recommend a visit to the Lambert Castle for the Holiday House Boutique. The rooms are filled with all kinds of handcrafted goodies such as jewelry, crafts, crocheted items, artwork, food, and seasonal holiday decor. It gets PACKED… and I mean crazy packed on the weekends… so get there early! Or better yet… during Wed-Fri when it’s a little less chaotic. There is so much to see there… you won’t want to miss anything.
Look for my Smashfire items in the Jewelry Room… yes.. there is a full room dedicated to just jewelry!! A fun time, indeed!