Rust Riot! My Husband's Car Show!
Welp. This is 18 years (well... technically 17 years because we missed a year due to Covid, so we're not sure how to count that, haahahaa!).
But... the love and outpouring of car-manship (yes, I made a new word!) is, and was and will be always amazing!!
A big, delicious, hearty thank you to all you beautiful souls who came out and supported our show. We love you so much, and couldn't do this without you.
The day was beautiful (I guess doing a crazy anti-rain dance does help?), and the people... all you fine folks were so incredible, and made the day the utmost spectacular. It was Amazeballs. Did I just write that? Ugh. Hahaha!!
Cheers to you all. My friends... you rock!!!
(And... the biggest hug and kiss fest to all my beautiful friends who walked away with a Smashfire Designs original piece. You are my world!)